For a couple in love there is no more exciting moment than the wedding proposal.
More and more couples each year choose us as their photographers. It is a great honor for usto interpret these unforgettable and unique moments
In this article we want to explainyou how to organize your surprise wedding proposal.
First of all the location.
There are many beautiful places where you can make your proposal such as Piazza San Marco, Punta della Dogana, the island of San Giorgio, the gondola and other motions.
The place is chosen based on light and your requests.
Once you have chosen the palce and the timetable, we will wait for you in the pre-established place pretending to be tourists and, as soon as we see you arrive, we will be ready to take one of the most exciting moments of your life.
A couple of tips:
Avoid carrying bags or backpacks that prevent perfect shots.
Always try to hold a side position relative to the view in front of you so that we can photograph both you and the background.
The hair is better if they are not in front of the face to photograph every single emotion.
It is better to avoid shooting in the evening because Venice is not well ligtened and it would be difficult to photograph the background.
After the proposal we will leave you a few minutes for you and thenwe will continue the photo shoot in the most enchanting places in Venice.
The photos will be sent to you in around 7 days but, if you want, we can send you the same dey, ar the day after at the latest a photo of your surprise proposal in Venice to share with family and friends!

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